The good news is that you don’t need to make an appointment with a masseuse to do this. You can do it yourself. You just need to know how to do it.
If you are a woman who has gone through makeup to look beautiful, you should make sure that your skin is well cleaned. Then you must remove all traces of cosmetics, and you should also use a cleansing lotion or an astringent lotion to get rid of the extra oiliness on your face.
To make your skin softer, you can use fresh lemon juice. If your skin is dry, you can use a moisturizing lotion before massaging your face.
After you have washed the skin, put it under your hands and press it gently, keeping it from folding over on itself. Also, make sure you apply a moisturizer that can hold moisture in the skin.
Press down on the skin firmly and apply even pressure. It is important to press deeply in places where you can see veins and tissues. In these areas, a vein gets more blood supply by this process.
After 15 to 20 minutes, stop the massage. Wipe off any excess cream, but do not press too hard on the skin. After that, lightly wipe the cream off your skin.
Mastering The Classic Art of Facial Massaging.
To master the art of facial massaging, you need to have an idea about the different types of massaging the face. They are:
- Pressure Massage: It is used when slow, deep pressure is applied to the skin, and it is very effective for removing bags under the eyes.
- Fast Massage: The palms move rapidly, and circularly upwards.
- Slow Massage: The slower the better is the most common method of massage. You use the fleshy part of your fingertips to pat the skin lightly. Pressing the skin with slow, soft strokes helps ease tension and stress. The slower the stroke the better, as the vibration relieves pressure on the nerve endings and subdues pain that might be felt in more sensitive areas.
- Pinching Massage: The skin is pinched between the thumb and fingers and gently massaged. It’s very effective for pulling a sagging chin or wrinkles on the jawline.
- Stroking Massage: The facial skin is stroked to stimulate the facial muscles underneath, with massages directed from the nose to the temples on both sides.
- Piano Playing Movements: This exercise makes the facial muscles strong and gives them a defined shape. It is best done with the fingers on the entire face, including the cheeks.
- Finger massage: This massage involves pressure on the skin while it is being moved over the underlying bone and muscle structures. It is usually done with fingers or palms, and hand movements are often used on the scalp while light movements are employed on the face and neck.
These different types of massage and movements, done in the right way, can have electrifying effects on your skin. Try them out!